
1000 ways to die videos spider erection
1000 ways to die videos spider erection

1000 ways to die videos spider erection

Bowled Over: Ordinarily a hipster's death is sad and scary to witness.but the female friend screaming that her friends had killed one of their own in a shriek like tone is amusing.The mere concept of The Grim Reaper doing Stand-Up Comedy to describe the show is LOL-worthy. Infernal Clown Posse's response: "IN! YOUR! FACE!" and going right back to performing. Turns out it's not such a good idea, as being drenched in soda made the clown very conducive to the electricity in the wires and he got fried. When he comes to, he decides to pull the plug on the concert and upstage the group. Funny Eddie crashes one of their concerts and tries to get onstage, but gets hit in the head with a soda bottle. Down with the Clown: A birthday party clown named Funny Eddie is out to destroy a hip-hop Horrorcore duo called Infernal Clown Posse because he thinks they're ruining the reputation of clowns everywhere.Blood sprays onto one of the roommates' face, causing him to cry out, "I'm covered in ass blood!" As soon as the roommates show up to see what happened, though, the dead girl (who is bent over a couch with her butt sticking up) lets out a fart. But the gas from the can destroys her from the inside, killing her. When the time for a farting contest begins, she decides to one-up them by sticking a can of whipped cream into her butt. Colon-Gross-Oppy: A tomboy competes with her immature roommates in various contests, such as drinking beer and blowing balloons.The lesson? When nature calls, just say no. Narrator: Let's recap what we learned from Randy's gruesome death: This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, and this is a bear, ripping out your throat after you tried to have sex with it while you were high on drugs. Not that he seemed to mind too much, though! While he looks on, both surprised and amused, he soon dies after his head gets blasted with X rays repeatedly for 20 minutes because the nurse's backside kept hitting the power button on the machine's control panel, effectively cooking his brain like an egg. Sex Ray: A patient at a hospital due to undergo an X ray of his skull is an unintentional viewer of the X ray technician getting it on with a nurse.It's telling that 1000 Ways to Die had to edit a story to make it more believable for once. That's right, someone actually attempted to stick up a gun store. note For bonus points, this has occurred to at least one would-be robber in real life with only one major difference: it wasn't an accident. However, with his pantyhose mask blocking his vision, the moron can't see where he's going and he draws a gun. Greased is the Word: An idiot who's already done time for a failed stick-up tries to rob a jewelry store.Farmer's Daughter: Why does this keep happening to me?!

1000 ways to die videos spider erection